
日本での留学体験記:キン レーモンさん(Study abroad experience in Japan:Khin Lay Mon)

 当教室の博士課程のミャンマー出身の留学生であるキン レーモンさんに、日本での生活をまとめていただきました。研究活動に加えて、日本での研究以外の活動についても大変豊富にまとめていただいております(文章の最後に写真集としてまとめました)。文章は日本語バージョンと英語バージョンがありますが、どちらもご自身で執筆いただいたものです。ぜひ、ご覧ください。

 みなさん、こんにちは。私の名前はキン レイモンです。ミャンマーから来ました。私は 2021 年にミャンマーのヤンゴンにある第 1 医科大学を卒業しました。2022 年に新潟大学 血液内分泌・代謝内科学分野博士課程に入り、現在、栄養と肥満の関連性について研究しています。


 大学院生としては、この研究室で経験し学ぶことがたくさんあります。肥満、糖尿病、およびその他の非感染性疾患 (NCDs: Non-Communicable Diseasesに関する疫学的研究だけでなく、内分泌学と血液学の両方での実験室研究もあります。2週間に1回、研究会議が行われています。他の先輩達の研究から学び、自分自身をレベルアップするのに役に立っています。さらに、年に 1  2 回、住民に知識と教育を共有する市民講座を開催しています。他の国内外のシンポジウムや学会にも参加できます。
 教育や勉強以外にも、新潟市の自然と活気を楽しむことができます。新潟市は都会的なアクティビティと自然を同時に楽しめる数少ない都市です。当科をはじめとする診療科が所属する旭町キャンパスは市の中心部に位置しています。仕事に飽きたら、リフレッシュ出来る場所がたくさんあります。 近くの白山神社に参拝して、学業成就や進学祈願をすることができます。お花見も楽しめますよ。大学の東にある日本海に行って運動することもできます(または、勉強で感じたストレスをすべて叫んでください!)。 アクティブなシティライフを楽しみたいなら、日本一長い川である信濃川の対岸にある万代シティがおすすめです。信濃川に架かる5つの橋の中で最も有名なのが萬代橋で、そのまま行くと万代シティへとつながっています。 橋を渡りながら両側の美しい景色を楽しむことができます。




 最後まで読んでいただき、誠にありがとうございました。皆さんに 直接お会いできることを楽しみにしています(または次の章がある場合はその時で)!!

 Hello, everyone. My name is Khin Lay Mon from Myanmar. I graduated from the University of Medicine 1, Yangon, Myanmar in 2021. I came to the Department of Hematology and Endocrinology, Niigata University for PhD course in 2022 and currently studying research about the associations between nutrition and obesity.

 When I first came here, I didn’t know anything about the statistics or basically, research but thanks to the supervision and guidance of the Professors, Supervisors and Seniors, I am able to analyze to some point. The teachers and other members of the department are kind and will guide you to adapt in the departmentmaybe even in Niigata.

 As for a graduate student, there are a lot to experience and to learn in this department. Not only the epidemiological research about obesity, diabetes, and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs), but there is also laboratory research in both Endocrinology and Hematology. There is once two-weekly ongoing research conference within the department which help you to learn from other seniors work and improve yourself. Once or twice a year, our department holds a Civic Association Lectures where we share knowledge and education to the residents. You can also participate other symposium or conferences in both national and international.

 Apart from education and studies, you can enjoy the freshness and liveliness of Niigata City. Niigata City is one of the rarest cities where you can enjoy both urbanized activities and nature. Asahimachi Campus, where our department and other medical departments reside, is located, in the city center. Whenever you get fed up with your work, leisure activities are just a length away. You can easily go to the Hakusan Shrine and pray for your progress and success on your study. You can enjoy the HANAMI (Enjoying Cherry Blossom) alongside the Shrine. You can also go to the Sea of Japan, which is in east of the University, to exercise (or just shout out all the stress you felt from your study!). If you want an active city life, you can always go to Bandai City which is just across the Shinano River, the longest river in Japan. Among the five bridges that cross the Shinano River, the Bandai Bridge is the most famous one and it directly leads you to the Bandai City. You can enjoy the beautiful sceneries both sides while crossing. 

 If one loves to do outdoor activities, the Yahiko Mountain is the best place to hike. It is recommended to go there all around the year. The first time I visited there was in autumn for the Japanese Cultural Trip held by Professor Sone. You can enjoy the KOUYOU (Autumn leaves color) from the summit at that time. During the second time in winter, the mountain is covered with snow and is beautifully white. Both times were breathtaking. 

 Last but not least, you are always welcome to visit the Ikarashi Campus, the other half of the Niigata University. There are two common ways to go there, by bus or by train. If you are enthusiastic about cycling. You can also go by bicycle (For the first time, it took 3 hours and 45 mins for round trip to Ikarashi Campus. For the second and third time, it took 2 and half hours each trip. It was a good sport!)

 To make the story short, there are so much to learn and enjoy here. I am also trying to gain much knowledge and friendship as much as I can enjoy nature here during the 3-year time left.

 Thank you very much for your interest till this end. Hope to see you again in Person (or the next chapter if there will be one)!!

Civic Association Lecture Hall 2022:糖尿病を知るつどい2022

One Scenery from Bandai Bridge:萬代橋からの一景

Niigata University Ikarashi Campus:新潟大学五十嵐キャンパス

(I went to Ikarashi campus with this little bike! Hard to believe..)

HAKUSAN Shrine in Winter 2022:白山神社(2022年冬)

HAKUSAN Park in Spring 2023:白山神社(2023年春)

Fine Evening at Sea of Japan:美しい日本海の夕陽

YAHIKO Autumn 2022:弥彦(2022年秋)

YAHIKO Mountain Winter 2023:弥彦(2023年冬)


日本での留学体験記:エフレン ダーヴィラ フェヘイラさん(Study abroad experience in Japan:Efrem d'Avila Ferreira)

 当教室の博士課程のブラジル出身の国費留学生であるエフレン ダーヴィラ フェヘイラさんに、日本での生活をまとめていただきました。研究活動に加えて、日本での研究以外の活動についてもまとめていただいております。ぜひ、ご覧ください(原文の英語バージョンに加えて、最後に和訳した日本語バージョンがあります)。

My name is Efrem d'Avila Ferreira and I am from Brazil. I am a government-sponsored international Phd student majored in Nutrition. 

In 2019, I took the MEXT exam for a research scholarship in Japan. The original project idea was to study the association between antioxidant status and longevity in Japanese older individuals. I was thrilled when I learned I passed the selection process. After contacting and discussing with my future advisor by email, Dr Hirohito Sone, I was explained this topic has been investigated in previous studies and he kindly offered me the opportunity to study nutrition in his lab. I will speak about my current research, my extra activities and future perspectives.

Research activities
On December 14, 2020, I arrived in Niigata, Japan and was assigned the task of analyzing the relationship between obesity and intake of various nutrients using a database of type 2 diabetic patients. My first paper was on the association between dietary iron intake and obesity. Due to conflicting findings in the literature, the study aimed to explore iron intake in different age groups, with adjustment by different food groups. The results showed that iron intake was associated with obesity risk only in the youngest age group, but only after the effects of soy and vegetable intake were removed. A second paper on protein and obesity is currently under review for publication in a nutrition journal. Currently, I am exploring topics that could be considered for a meta-analysis study.

Extra activities
When I came to Japan, my goal was to interact with native speakers in order to improve my Japanese and make connections. So, I registered with a volunteer organization and started volunteering as a gardening volunteer at a cultural facility. The other Japanese volunteers were a bit surprised to see me because I was a foreigner. However, they were very kind and I was even invited to have lunch in one of the volunteer’s home and watch a performance of Taiko. Furthermore, I also play the piano in a band I formed with a foreigner friend and enjoy eating at Izakaya and travelling around Japan.

Future perspectives
After graduation, I plan to pursue a career in Japan. Currently, my goal is to publish more papers which could increase my chances of obtaining a post-doctoral scholarship and continue my research in Niigata. At the same time, I am exploring other possible opportunities for work in Japan.


オリジナルバンドFound Memoriesのピアノライブパフォーマンス(古町)



ブラジル出身のエフレン ダーヴィラ フェヘイラです。栄養学を専門に研究しています。国費留学生です。








日本での留学体験記:キン レーモンさん(Study abroad experience in Japan:Khin Lay Mon)

 当教室の博士課程のミャンマー出身の留学生であるキン レーモンさんに、日本での生活をまとめていただきました。研究活動に加えて、日本での研究以外の活動についても大変豊富にまとめていただいております(文章の最後に写真集としてまとめました)。文章は日本語バージョンと英語バージョンがあり...