
日本での留学体験記:エフレン ダーヴィラ フェヘイラさん(Study abroad experience in Japan:Efrem d'Avila Ferreira)

 当教室の博士課程のブラジル出身の国費留学生であるエフレン ダーヴィラ フェヘイラさんに、日本での生活をまとめていただきました。研究活動に加えて、日本での研究以外の活動についてもまとめていただいております。ぜひ、ご覧ください(原文の英語バージョンに加えて、最後に和訳した日本語バージョンがあります)。

My name is Efrem d'Avila Ferreira and I am from Brazil. I am a government-sponsored international Phd student majored in Nutrition. 

In 2019, I took the MEXT exam for a research scholarship in Japan. The original project idea was to study the association between antioxidant status and longevity in Japanese older individuals. I was thrilled when I learned I passed the selection process. After contacting and discussing with my future advisor by email, Dr Hirohito Sone, I was explained this topic has been investigated in previous studies and he kindly offered me the opportunity to study nutrition in his lab. I will speak about my current research, my extra activities and future perspectives.

Research activities
On December 14, 2020, I arrived in Niigata, Japan and was assigned the task of analyzing the relationship between obesity and intake of various nutrients using a database of type 2 diabetic patients. My first paper was on the association between dietary iron intake and obesity. Due to conflicting findings in the literature, the study aimed to explore iron intake in different age groups, with adjustment by different food groups. The results showed that iron intake was associated with obesity risk only in the youngest age group, but only after the effects of soy and vegetable intake were removed. A second paper on protein and obesity is currently under review for publication in a nutrition journal. Currently, I am exploring topics that could be considered for a meta-analysis study.

Extra activities
When I came to Japan, my goal was to interact with native speakers in order to improve my Japanese and make connections. So, I registered with a volunteer organization and started volunteering as a gardening volunteer at a cultural facility. The other Japanese volunteers were a bit surprised to see me because I was a foreigner. However, they were very kind and I was even invited to have lunch in one of the volunteer’s home and watch a performance of Taiko. Furthermore, I also play the piano in a band I formed with a foreigner friend and enjoy eating at Izakaya and travelling around Japan.

Future perspectives
After graduation, I plan to pursue a career in Japan. Currently, my goal is to publish more papers which could increase my chances of obtaining a post-doctoral scholarship and continue my research in Niigata. At the same time, I am exploring other possible opportunities for work in Japan.


オリジナルバンドFound Memoriesのピアノライブパフォーマンス(古町)



ブラジル出身のエフレン ダーヴィラ フェヘイラです。栄養学を専門に研究しています。国費留学生です。








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日本での留学体験記:キン レーモンさん(Study abroad experience in Japan:Khin Lay Mon)

 当教室の博士課程のミャンマー出身の留学生であるキン レーモンさんに、日本での生活をまとめていただきました。研究活動に加えて、日本での研究以外の活動についても大変豊富にまとめていただいております(文章の最後に写真集としてまとめました)。文章は日本語バージョンと英語バージョンがあり...